My favourite Australia Day Picture Books

Celebrate Australia Day with these wonderful picture books. Perfect for reading and exploring with your students for Geography or History studies.

Australia Day 26th January and is a fantastic time to bring a whole country celebration right into your classroom. What is a celebration and how do we celebrate? These questions form the basis of the Foundation Year History curriculum embedded in the new Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS). What a perfect time to use real-world experience and bring this exciting celebration into your classroom with some fantastic picture books!

Here are my tried and tested favourite picture books to use in the lead up to Australia Day.

Celebrate Australia Day with these wonderful picture books. Perfect for reading and exploring with your students for Geography or History studies.

I'm Australian Too by Mem Fox

Mem Fox explores what being Australian means to children across the country, including where they were born and the experiences of immigrants. This book gives a fantastic insight to multicultural Australia and teaches children that 'being Australian' means sharing our wonderful country! 

You can read my blog post on this text here and you'll find a companion pack to it here.

Celebrate Australia Day with these wonderful picture books. Perfect for reading and exploring with your students for Geography or History studies.

This is Australia by Miroslav Sasek

This is such a fun book with great art work. It covers what it was like to grow up in Australia and looks at places of significance around Australia with each state covered. This book fits beautifully with Year 2 and 3 HASS exploring places of significance.  Students could create cut and paste from magazines to create similar illustrations of life in Australia.

Celebrate Australia Day with these wonderful picture books. Perfect for reading and exploring with your students for Geography or History studies.

An Aussie Year by Tania McCartney

Five Aussie children play, go to school and explore parts of Australia in this sweet and, long over due, book about growing up in Australia. Use this book explore what it means to be Australian and live in Get students to bring in photographs of their travels around Australia and write a matching piece about why this is their favourite place.

Celebrate Australia Day with these wonderful picture books. Perfect for reading and exploring with your students for Geography or History studies.

A is for Australia by Frane Lessac

This book is perfect for the start of the Foundation Year when you are exploring the alphabet letter by letter. Travel around Australia and look for places through A to Z. Tie this book to your alphabet exploration each day.

Celebrate Australia Day with these wonderful picture books. Perfect for reading and exploring with your students for Geography or History studies. #techteacherpto3 #australiaday #picture #books

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