How to move classrooms with less stress

Are you moving classrooms at the end of the year?

This can be one of the most stressful times in even the most experienced teacher's life. You have everything set up how you want it (often how you need it!) and now you're being asked to pack up all of your worldly belongings and shift them to the other end of the school. It feels like moving house, except you don't get to pick the house, when you move or even the movers!

How to move classrooms with less stress. 5 easy steps teachers can take to help them with end of year classroom pack up and tidy.
It doesn't have to be too stressful though.

Here are my 5 tips for making a smooth transition to your new classroom.

1. Start stripping your walls early. 

How to move classrooms with less stress. 5 easy steps teachers can take to help them with end of year classroom pack up and tidy.
I know your room looks pretty, what with all those wonderful pieces of artwork made by the students and your carefully cut and arranged bulletin board, but it all needs to go. Most schools require the walls to be completely stripped of all blu-tak, staples and pins - leaving the walls completely washed down and clean for the next teacher. I realise this can feel like a huge task but just think of how you would want the walls to look when you go into your new room. Leave your room in a state you'd wish to find it in yourself. So start early. Students do pick up on the 'end of school' vibe once that learning wall is packed away but seriously.. who are you kidding! You and your students both know the heavy duty learning is over and it's time to wrap things up, so don't be afraid to start a little earlier than normal.

2. Get your students to help. 

Students have lots of energy, and teachers are often feeling exhausted at the end of the year, so why not take advantage of this by getting them to help out. Get those tall students stripping the hard to reach pins on the wall (without standing on a chair of course!) and those bright students that love a 'task' so set them up with any sorting activities (sorting pins, piles of blu-tak etc.. ). Students will be more engaged and on-task if you find a job to included them. It is their classroom as well remember.

3. Do you really need that?

Seriously. DO. YOU. NEED. THAT? I know you're going to use it one day but.. when is that actually going to happen? I keep an expanding file with all my bulletin board materials stored in it, organised by terms so that I have my learning materials ready (this is the real beauty of teaching for many years on the same year level!). Do you have extra copies of handouts? Keep one on file and throw out the rest. Do you have piles of student work? Check your school policy on retention of records (ours is 5 years) and only keep what you need to, label and place into boxes. Make sure you take any assessment pieces to the shredder - never to the bin! Be ruthless! If you haven't used that item/worksheet/activity in the last 2 years you're never going to use it. Take it home and store it there (that's a whole other blog post!).

How to move classrooms with less stress. 5 easy steps teachers can take to help them with end of year classroom pack up and tidy.

4. Get some busy work handy early on.

Keep your students busy so you can focus on the clean up and organisation. My students are always either working on their Farewell Folders or their Christmas Card Art. Depending on the school, sometimes movies are allowed (my school only allows them if they are related to the curriculum). There was always a hundred different things we were going to watch that we ran out of time for during the year. Now is THAT time my friend! ABC iView has a great range of curriculum friendly videos and older students will enjoy exploring My Place which has an interactive website and short movies to watch.

5. Label everything!

This last one goes without saying really, but I'll say it anyway! Write your name on everything. I don't just mean your pencil box I mean on the back of posters, on each letter of your bulletin board display, on boxes of assessment and on sticky notes taped firmly to your personal belongs that are moving to your new room. Things do get lost - often. I have often found the odd poster or piece of lettering that lost its way to its new home, but without a name on the back it often goes in the bin. Name it or lose it.

How to move classrooms with less stress. 5 easy steps teachers can take to help them with end of year classroom pack up and tidy.

Moving can be stressful but just remember the joy you'll have of setting up a new learning environment at the start of next year! Now THAT IS fun!

How to move classrooms with less stress. 5 easy steps teachers can take to help them with end of year classroom pack up and tidy.  #foundationintofirst #teachers #endofyear #classroom

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